USERN Groups

BioMedical Visualization Association (BMVA)

The purpose of this group is to graphically illustrate scientific data to enable scientists to under...

The BMVA is the group to produce Illustrative Visualization in the fields of Medicine and Nano-Bio S...

Network of Dermatology Research (NDR)

Our aim is to build a platform for students interested in dermatology to get involved in research un...

Network of Dermatology Research (NDR) basically deals with the cutaneous diseases such as pemphigus,...

Tissues and Biomaterial Research Group (TBRG)

The research on biomaterials and tissue engineering in our group is carried out in the three sub-gro...

Tissue engineering is a biomedical engineering discipline that uses a combination of cells, engineer...

Medical Genetics Network (MeGeNe)

MeGeNe (Medical Genetics Network) group has focused on genetic diseases (including hereditary and N...

With respect to our increasing knowledge of crucial medical genetics’ roles in concerning the clini...

Microbial Toxin's Physiology Group (MTPG)

Teaching recent advances and applied knowledge on microbial toxins and their physiology/ apply modif...

A toxin is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms. They can be small molecu...

Space Biology and Astrobiology Research Team (SBART)

SBART tries to introduce these novel research areas to junior researchers and encourages graduate st...

"Space Biosciences" target basic questions about how space conditions affect biological processes. S...